JAGST hike & paint, Etappe 8, Heinzenmühle to Baierles-Stein (round tour)
Sure that if you follow a river, bridges are playing an important role for crossing it, to get from one side to the other, for connecting people. I already drew several of them on my way and voilà my first subject for the day is the bridge at my starting point, for which I climbed down to draw Heinzenmühles covered bridge over Jagst river.
This Bridge is so much larger than the smaller covered bridge over Gronach creek (see Etappe 7), but very similar in shape.
I arrived, before other hikers would appear and crossed the bridge for getting to the best painting spot – and later crossed again for continuing my hike. It is the starting point for Etappe 8 of my journey. I continue to the left of the stream at the edge of the forest very close to the water.

Again the odor of wild garlic is everywhere. The white flowers are already to be seen on top of the garlic leaves.
The river showed its calm face. I followed the huge bend in its course and in the beginning the trail was very close to the water. In order to show somehow this kind of nearly U-turn of Jagst river, I decided to do some fast watercolours of different positions in one large sheet to make the bend in the stream somehow visible (see above).
After finishing my fast landscape watercolours, I continued following the narrow trail upwards – it was getting steeper. ( I would not do this trail in rainy weather as it could be quite slippery and dangerous.)
I also perceive the sweet scent of wild phlox. There are large areas in the woods covered with this violet flower, which is fantastic. I could not draw it, as there was no place to rest…too steep.
The trail itself is not easy to climb, as lots of fallen trees obstruct the passage. Being able to climb is essential for this hidden path.
It was a real warm day and although it was shady in the forest I got very hot, climbing up over stones, trees and undergrowth,
Finally as I reach the edge of the forest I am really done and follow the upper way back high above the previous track. The prospect of a picnic at the picnic-site „Baierles-Stein“ makes me feel a lot better.

„Baierles-Stein“ is a picnic area with a lookout, a fireplace and picnic tables high above Jagst river. Here you can see a lovely valley to the opposite side of the river and…you can hear the Autobahn, which is a bit disturbing. Everything else is beautiful.
From now on I was interested in how many versions of different grasses I could find and sketch, while having a good, hot coffee and snack in the shade. I sat on my picnic blanket and also sketched some wild flowers. After a while I gave up and trotted back to my car.

Material: Clairefontaine A3
Seen: 4 people close to the bridge, none on the steep trail, butterflies and insects, lots of wildflowers, wild garlic in bloom, ferns, waldmeister, lots of fallen trees because of the last dry summers and some storms
Duration: Long half day
Weather: sunny, about 20° Celsius
Thoughts: In between I thought: Will I manage to climb without falling or slipping away with my backpack…
This was the most challenging part in terms of fitness. Happy that it was just half a day this time. I was extremely tired in the end… as always, I am already looking forward to new adventures